International Communication
About the funding programme
The research funding programme “International Communication” of the Austrian Research Association complements the opportunities provided by universities and project funding institutions across Austria with regard to travel funds for trips abroad and for inviting researchers to Austria.
Funding is primarily intended for young scholars whose previous achievements are of high quality and who are unable to receive sufficient funding from other organisations for formal reasons or due to exhaustion of funds.
When assessing submitted applications, we pay particular attention to previous publications of the applicant(s) in peer-reviewed international journals, their involvement in projects, their contribution in the presented work, and their commitment to the responsible use of funding resources.
The Austrian Research Association can only award one substantial grant per person and year.
The funding programme supports the following activities:
- The presentation of new research findings at international conferences, symposia or workshops abroad; excluding summer schools and other course based programs with a main focus on training.
- The organisation of small-scale international symposia or workshops in Austria; excluding summer schools and other course based programs with a main focus on training.
- Short-term stays at research institutions abroad in order to train in specific research methods and techniques, or for research on sources, equipment or materials not available in Austria as part of a research project; excluding projects that can only be carried out abroad due to their subject matter.
- The invitation of guest lecturers to discussions, talks and similar events for the purpose of scientific discourse, excluding teaching events.
The Scientific Advisory Board decides on the allocation of funds based on the decision of its committee for the International Communication funding programme, which meets at least twice per university term.
Terms for submitting and processing an application:
- Applications may only be submitted in advance, i.e. we must receive an application according to Section 1 and 3 as listed above (international conferences and short-term stays) before the start of the trip; similarly, an application according to Section 2 as listed above (symposia, workshops) must be decided before the event takes place. The submission deadline is two weeks before the decision date.
- Applications must be submitted by using the following submission form (if you face any difficulties during the submission process, please contact us by e-mail or telephone).
- Applications may also be written (in part or in full) in English.
- Applicants are obliged to first make use of their primarily responsible funding options (university, department, project funds, etc.) and include the results of their efforts in the financing plan.
- Funding programme tracks 1 and 3 are primarily intended for early-stage scholars: for this reason, applicants may not exceed the age of 40 at the time of submission. The following exceptions are considered:
- three years of parental leave per child
- in the case of disability or (chronic) illness, a maximum of 3 years are taken into account. Relevant evidence must be enclosed with the application.
Each application must include:
- a statement of costs (in EUR) and a financing plan (see above);
- a scientific curriculum vitae in tabular form (including year and place of birth);
- a list of publications from the last five years, organised according to quality criteria (applicants must already have at least one publication in a peer-reviewed international journal or equivalent publication at the time of application)
In addition, each application must include / take into account:
ad 1)
- Applicants without habilitation require a recommendation from a habilitated researcher.
- The letter of application must include information on the type of presentation (lecture/poster), the applicant’s own contribution to the article (lead author/co-author), and the scope of the research work (e.g., project within the framework of the EU, Austrian Science Fund, Austrian National Bank, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action).
- The applicant must include proof of acceptance of the contribution to be presented by the organiser as well as an abstract of the contribution.
- The statement of costs may only include congress fee, travel and hotel costs.
ad 2)
- Applications may be submitted by university lecturers (with habilitation). In addition to a detailed explanation with information on the objectives of the event (including a preliminary programme with topics and speakers),
- they must attach a detailed statement of costs as well as a financing plan.
- Funding may only be granted in form of a default guarantee. If the offered funding is used, the deficit of the event must be documented in a complete statement of income and expenditure. The funds granted are to be used for travelling and accommodation expenses of foreign lecturers.
- As a condition for any funding, the programme of the supported event must explicitly mention the Austrian Research Association’s financial assistance. In addition, the applicant(s) must send a specimen copy to the Austrian Research Association.
ad 3)
- Applicants without habilitation require a recommendation from a habilitated researcher.
- Not exceeding 1 page in length, applications must provide a detailed description of the desired research topic or methodology that the applicant wishes to lean and subsequently apply in Austria. It must also include the reasons why the applied stay abroad is necessary
- and a declaration of consent from the host institute.
- The statement of costs may only list travel and hotel costs, as no other expenses are eligible for reimbursement in the funding programme.
- The duration of the research stay should not exceed three months.
ad 4)
- Applications with detailed reasons and objectives as well as a scientific curriculum vitae with a list of publications (only original works from the last 5 years) of the invited person may be submitted by all university lecturers with habilitation.
Transfer of the funding amount:
The funding amount can only be transferred once we have received a full travel expense report (in EUR) including the original receipts (ticket, flight ticket with receipt, hotel bill, proof of payment of conference fees) as proof that the granted funds have been used for the intended purpose.
Submission deadlines 2024/25
9 November 2024
1 January 2025
13 March 2025
29 May 2025
1 October 2025
29 October 2025
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