Printing subsidies

About the funding programme

The Austrian Research Association promotes the publication of works from all areas of scientific research. We particularly support the further distribution of publications that

  1. are of high scientific quality,
  2. have not been published and contain new research findings, and
  3. would otherwise not be published or only at unreasonably high costs to the author or editor.

Printing subsidies are primarily intended for up-and-coming scholars with fewer opportunities to fund their publication.


The Scientific Advisory Board of the Austrian Research Association decides on the allocation of printing subsidies – provided the application meets the requirements of the funding programme – after obtaining at least one independent expert opinion.


Printing subsidies may only granted if the applicant considers any changes suggested in the expert opinion and deemed necessary by the Scientific Advisory Board. Any funding programme granted by the Austrian Research Association must be expressly noted in the imprint of the publication.

Depending on the availability of financial resources, the funding amount will only be allocated after publication and receipt of a specimen copy as well as a VAT-exempt invoice (a so-called printing subsidy without exchange of services; only with regard to publishing houses in Austria). If applicable, the applicant must provide a list of granted funding amounts from other institutions.


When submitting an application for funding, the applicant agrees to the Austrian Research Association’s international standards for reviewing printing subsidy applications (forwarding the personalised manuscript to the reviewer(s), forwarding extracts of the anonymised expert opinion to the applicant(s), stating reasons for rejection, preserving the anonymity of the reviewer(s)).


The Scientific Advisory Board decides on the allocation of funds based on the decision of its committee for the Printing Subsidies programme, which meets three times per year. Applicants should expect 12 weeks for the Austrian Research Association to find appropriate experts and prepare the report, resulting in the following submission deadlines:

Submission deadlines

6 October 2024 (Committee meeting: 23 January 2025)


14 March 2025 (Committee meeting: 20 June 2025)
3 August 2025 (Committee meeting: 20 November 2025)
5 October 2025 (Committee meeting: January 2026)


The Printing Subsidy Committee awards funds of up EUR 12,000 per meeting, with no more than EUR 2,000 granted per individual printing subsidy.


Applications may be submitted by Austrian citizens or individuals who carry out their academic work predominantly in Austria and produced the work submitted for funding in this context. We are committed to using public funds responsibly and can only accept works for review that have been submitted to the publisher in electronic form. Moreover, printing subsidies may only be granted upon presentation of a professional and reasonable calculation of costs.

The author or editor must submit the application by the following submission form to the office of the General Secretary of the Austrian Research Association, including as follows (if you face any difficulties during the submission process, please contact us by e-mail or telephone):

  1. the manuscript ready for printing (if the file exceeds 10 MB, please contact us),
  2. the name and address of the applicant(s) and, if applicable, their affiliation with an academic institution,
  3. an abstract of the submitted work (1-2 pages),
  4. the curriculum vitae and list of publications of the applicant(s),
  5. the name of the reviewer(s) in case the submitted work or an earlier version has already been reviewed to obtain an academic degree,
  6. the printing subsidy calculation form (PDF) of the Austrian Research Association, completed in full by the publisher.

The work submitted by the applicant(s) must be a publication of previously unpublished current research findings with a clear thematic focus. Moreover, the work must be methodologically sound and the research question based on the current state of research. Finally, the work must be presented in a manner suitable for scientific publication.

For this reason, we will have to reject funding for the following applications:

  1. catalogues, almanacs, yearbooks etc.,
  2. edited volumes, consisting primarily of reprints of accessible works,
  3. translations from common foreign languages,
  4. commemorative publications (Festschrift) or edited volumes without a coherent thematic concept,
  5. documentations and uncommented text editions, and
  6. articles in specialist journals that are subject to charges.

Any works that have also been submitted to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for printing subsidies are generally not eligible for funding.

Applications can only be submitted for individual works, not for entire series.


Documents required for submission can only be uploaded as pdf files!